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Showing posts from February, 2016

Long exposure on a stream

Recently I bought myself a neutral density filter that could change the darkness and I got to use it today well on a walk in the woods and I knew there was a stream there with little waterfalls so I brought along my mini tripod and I got the filter on and took a bunch of long exposure pictures and this is the best one I think. I had my shutter at 2 seconds an aperture at 32 and ISO at 100.


Today is a day like any other winter day in Ontario cold and windy and snowy. But today was lucky because the wind was blowing right onto the backdoor of my house and with the wind also came the snow. I set saw this when I was letting my dog in and say a couple snow flakes on the door so I went and got my tripod which is a Silk F143 and I also got my 100mm macro lens made by Canon and my remote shutter too and went to work and this is the result of editing first in Adobe Photoshop Express then some touching up and removal of spots in Adobe Photoshop Elements 8.0 and I can honestly say this is one of the photos I am most exited to post

Water drops

This winter we have been having periods of cold split up by periods of warmth which lets the snow melt. During these melts water starts to drop from everywhere, which means that if you have a puddle or if you make a puddle you can create amazing water drop pictures. I took this one by setting up my mini tripod which is no larger then a foot tall when all stretched out. I put on my 100 mm macro lens and played with the focus a bit to get it right, Set my shutter for 1/1000 so I would not miss any of the action and my aperture to 7.1 and this is my best one from about five minutes of work.