Today is a day like any other winter day in Ontario cold and windy and snowy. But today was lucky because the wind was blowing right onto the backdoor of my house and with the wind also came the snow. I set saw this when I was letting my dog in and say a couple snow flakes on the door so I went and got my tripod which is a Silk F143 and I also got my 100mm macro lens made by Canon and my remote shutter too and went to work and this is the result of editing first in Adobe Photoshop Express then some touching up and removal of spots in Adobe Photoshop Elements 8.0 and I can honestly say this is one of the photos I am most exited to post
My longest back country camping trip this year was into Algonquin Provincial Park. I went from September 16-19, 4 days and 3 nights. Originally my plan was to stay until the 20th but circumstances forced me to change my original route. Originally, I had planned on going from the Shall Lake Access Point(17) to Godda Lake for one night, then head down to Boot Lake for two nights, up to Booth Lake for one night, then home. However, during my first day, I realized that I had overestimated my capability to portage with a 75 pound canoe, and I had planned too long of a route. I altered my plans and instead spent two nights on Godda Lake and one night on Booth Lake. Day 1: I got to the access point at 11:10am and had everything unpacked and loaded into the canoe by 11:25am. I made my way through Farm Lake (which has super clear water) to the first portage into Kitty Lake. The portage was only 100M and was the first of the trip. It took 10 minutes to double carry. I was able to do this one e
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