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Showing posts from November, 2014

Waterfalls at the mill

I know i have posted a lot of pictures of the smooth water effect but that's because its just like an art. For example your first panting isn't your best ever its on of your worst so you practice and practice until its good which is what i'm trying to do here. It takes time and practice plus you can never get tired of looking at them.  I took these photos at a local mill damn that is no longer working but the damn is still there which makes for good water photos and it looks/ sounds cool also.

Whats over there

Dogs in the winter make for the best photos, they often get snow stuck in there fur and they are always easy models to work with much better then humans. Most dogs with an exception of a few are very photogenic they just scream out come take my picture you won't regret it which is what happens most of the time.

Birthday cake

Happy birthday to you! As you listen to them sing that song you see the flickering lights of the candles coming closer and closer until its right in front of you and you have to go and blow out the beauty of the fire but stop halfway there you see the beauty and want to cherish it for a split second longer but your hunger takes over you and you blow out the candles wanting to eat a piece of chocolate cake. 

Wheres the focus?

Now you may be saying why is he posting a picture of an out of focus flower? If you say that then you haven't looked enough. The focus on this photo is on the pollen on the stem rather then whatever those red things are called. I like this picture because it makes you look at it more then for a split second, and it makes you think more about it also. 

Sleeping Turkey

I saw this turkey when i was out for a hike it was up in a tree so i zoomed in on it and i took this amazing photo. You can see every little detail about this turkey you can see the black hairs on its head and the different layers of the feather and every wrinkle on its head. 

Brown eyed sparrow

Look deep into the eyes of this bird what can you see? What I can see is hunger like it wants food or anger like it is mad at me for taking this picture or something like that, but its really up to you to diced what you see. You need to look at the eye the way the birds head is turned and the way its beak is sitting. 

Forest floor

This is one of my all time favorite photos. I love it because it has the foreground and background out of focus but has the subject rights in focus and it follows the rule of thirds almost perfectly. The colors are another thing i like in the photo with everything being green it makes the mushroom pop out at you more then it would in another photo.


Dusk the time between day and night the time the world calms down to give you amazing sunsets and calm water. Having a brother who likes fishing is a big bonus also. You get all the colors of the sky in this picture and he caught some big bass also. We get the reflections of the surrounding forest around the lake to make it look doubled.