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Showing posts from December, 2018


December is a busy time, people have to start holiday shopping, students are finishing assignments and doing exams, employees are trying to meet end of year targets, and animals are trying to eat as much as possible to survive the winter. This is exactly what these black-capped chickadees were doing when I took their picture. I took these pictures at a local environmental education center that has a bird feeder. I was able to get close to these chickadees as they are used to humans around them and did not seem bothered by me. If you are lucky like I was you can even get them to eat out of your hand. I saw some other birds while I was around the feeder but they were too quick or far away to get a good picture. I saw a couple american gold finches, a downy woodpecker, nuthatch and a blue jay along with a red squirrel or two. I think I will be heading back to this center soon to try to develop a better relationship with the birds and for some more pictures.