I went on my second crown land camping trip this past weekend. I started off at the public boat launch on Ashby Lake, from their I paddled to the roughly 125 meter long portage that takes you into King Lake. After crossing King Lake I reached the portage to get into Barker Lake which was roughly 200ish meters long. Once on Barker Lake I found a campsite on an island and set up camp for the night. That day I had paddled 9km. The first four photos are from the first day. The next day I woke up, packed up camp and set off back to the car. It was just the same trip as before but backwards. It was roughly 7.5km of paddling to get back to the car, as I didn't turn down the wrong bay this time. The remaining photos are from the second day. At each portage their was a good amount of cached boats that look as if they hadn't been used in years, and they probably haven't, just left to rot. Cooking/Fire area of the campsite Tent pad Pine Tree at the Point Canoe Pulled up for the nigh
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